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AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional

Passed the exam for the AWS DevOps Engineer - Professional certification in October 2024.

Laravel Projects Migration to AWS ECS

In 2024 I helped a client with containerizing and migration of several laravel projects to AWS ECS. Architectural components where set up with help of CloudFormation IaC.

Choosing between Cloudformation, Terraform and AWS CDK

Helping you choose between several Infrastructure as Code tools: a comparison of Terraform, AWS CDK and CloudFormation

Staging data up to date with a Step Function

A Step Functions state machine automates staging DB sync with production in 15 mins, using IaC and blue/green strategy for efficiency and visibility.

Choosing the right Cloud Provider

A comprehensive comparison of major and lesser-known cloud providers, focusing on services, pricing, and availability to guide organizations in choosing the best cloud solution.

Ansible: 14 things that I want to do NOW

Handlers respond swift, In the wake of change, they rise, Ansible’s quick touch. Ansible is great for configuration management.

Golang for Devops and Cloud Engineers

An excellent course from Edward Viaene that I completed at Udemy. The course covers some very useful projects in the form of assignments, mostly using test driven development.

Reducing AWS Costs

A short course I followed at Udemy about keeping control about AWS costs.

Save big on S3 traffic costs with a caching proxy

Learn how to reduce S3 data transfer expenses by deploying your own caching proxy. This guide shows you the docker compose file with minimal configuration.

Recap 2023

A year full of developments.

Streamline your Proxies: CacheLink

CacheLink Proxy simplifies setting up a caching proxy in Docker containers, offering easy configuration with environment variables.

Streamline Your Proxies: FlowForward

Introducing 'FlowForward proxy': a near zero-config, instantly usable forward proxy, simplifying traditional setup hassles.

Full MultiArch pipeline

Enhanced CD/CI pipelines for multi-architecture support, enabling deployment on Intel and AWS Graviton, with improved performance and eco-efficiency.

Evolution of a Client's Application: Symfony and Cloud Integration

The upgrade narrative of a legacy app with Symfony 7 and AWS—streamlined for the cloud and continuous delivery, using CodePipeline, Lambda and Parameter store.

Template Tango

A small app to facilitate configuration management in containers.

Streamline Your Proxies: SSL terminator

Secure, scalable SSL Terminator for Docker: Simplifying HTTPS requests and backend communication effortlessly.

Essential tools and software for web development on macOS

Explore my personal macOS development setup – a curated collection of tools for diverse coding challenges. Dive in for inspiration and discover tools that might enhance your workflow.

Pagespeed optimization with precision monitoring

Discover how we significantly reduced the 'time to first byte' using precision monitoring with k6, InfluxDB, and Grafana.

CI Pipeline GitLab + Jenkins on AWS

A CI pipeline leveraging gitlab and jenkins, with autoscaling runners on AWS. Spot instances reduce costs.

Cool DevOps projects on Raspberry Pi

Some cool devops projects to put your RPI's to good use.

Jenkins Beginner to Pro

Een cursus over Jenkins.

AWS Certified Devops Engineer

I am currently taking the AWS Certified DevOps Engineer course to enhance my knowledge in infrastructure automation and CI/CD.

AI generated images on Apple OSX

Create AI generated images locally on your Apple computer!

Reduced cpu usage workers

By utilizing a lesser-known option in PHP, I have managed to reduce the CPU consumption in worker instances.

AWS migration

Progress update on the current AWS migration project

Load en Stress tests

Test your cloud infrastructure with K6

Gobot RPI simulator

A GPIO pin simulator for RPI written in Golang

Reactions Craft CMS plugin

A new Craft CMS plugin to add Facebook style reactions

Vertaal component

A translation component in Symfony, with API and control panel.

Craft plugin

We launched a Craft CMS 'poll' plugin in the plugin store.

Faster and safer with Cloudflare

Boost the safety, performance of your website with Cloudflare CDN.

Geo algoritme

We developed a geo algorithm for a complex problem.

Sailing away

Craft CMS website moved to LightSail server - performance boost!

Docker is back

We started using Docker again in our development workflow.


With our hosting proposition we can deploy faster sites with a higher pagespeed ranking.

Interne website Vrijescholen

We deployed a new Craft CMS website for the Vereniging van Vrijescholen

New migration to AWS Cloud

A migration to an autoscaling infrastructure. Setting up a deployment pipeline. Careless growth.


With some pride we worked to refactor one of our applications to a whitelabel application.

Symfony 4 upgrade

We completely refactored a project for upgrading from Symfony 3.x to the latest 4.x version


We are running two migrations to AWS S3, and are setting up CDN's.

A new life for a Craft 2 plugin

We modified one of our old Craft 2 plugins with an interesting feature.

CharlyCares Pagespeed

Higher Pagespeed/Lighthouse score for the Charly Cares website. to Craft CMS

By the end of February 2019, we launched on Craft CMS! live

Today we published the new website for the Vereniging van Vrijescholen. We used the high quality Craft CMS to replace Wordpress.

Handheld Cloud

A mini cloud server that you can see working while holding it in your hand. The device can run in a production street.

Snap Service released

We created a snap service to communicate disappearing messages. Take a look at

Cost calculation AWS

We calculated the costs for hosting an API at AWS. The client expects quick growth but of unknown size, so AWS Cloud may be a viable option.

Craft Comments Work plugin

Our CraftCMS plugin 'Comments Work' is now available in the plugin store. Let users leave comments to your Craft CMS based content.

API Stresstest

Today we conducted an API stresstest. For the test we used recordings of actual user sessions of an app.

GPDR compliance consent manager

Voor de AVG/GPDR ontwikkelden we een opt-in consent manager voor een project. Deze is voorzien van een api, zodat uit verschillende bronnen ingestemd kan worden.

React Native up-to-date

We managed to update a React Native application with the latest frameworks and libraries. The application is now stable and up to standards again. The app stores accepted the React Native application gracefully.